As Ramadan approaches, we all have to stand together in this moment of national crisis. We are trying our best to make it easier for people who can’t go to work due to the lockdown.
We also made a list of the Heroes of ’71, our freedom fighters & the reliefs would be sent to their respective homes soon.
It is upon us to act the best of ourselves by staying home & helping people around us to stay home as much as possible.
Though COVID-19 has caused a pandemic condition, yet it can be easily prevented by following some simple steps-
✔Maintain social distancing as much as possible
✔ Avoid any places with mass gathering
✔Stay Home
✔Help & encourage others to stay home
✔Frequent hand washing (for atleast 20 consecutive seconds)
✔Prohibit touching your own faces
✔Maintaining basic etiquette during sneezing or coughing
✔Boosting our immune system with healthy eating habits & Regular exercise
✔Vit-C supplements
✔Regular Exercises to keep both our mind & health sound.
The United Nation General Assembly formally recognised November 19 as the World Toilet Day in 2013.Defecating in open spreads various life-threatening diseases. World Toilet Day aims to tackle the global sanitation crisis ,promote sanitation and also help break taboos around toilets. According to the United Nations, the day aims to provide access to sustainable sanitation to all by 2030. According to the UN, the theme for World Toilet Day 2019 is ‘Leaving No One Behind. Sanitation is a person’s human right and despite that even today, 4.2 billion people are deprived of safely managed sanitation, the UN says.
Since people often relieve themselves near water sources (to clean themselves and remove the waste) and faeces attract vectors such as flies, diseases spread fast. Where open defecation is practised, more children die—according to one estimate, it kills 1.5m children under five every year. Women, usually excluded from the dawn assembly, have to risk embarrassment, assault and worse with sorties in the dark. A toilet is not just a toilet. It’s a life-saver, dignity-protector and opportunity-maker. Whoever you are, wherever you are, sanitation is your human right.
The provision of toilets is a necessary first step in addressing the complex sanitation challenge, though we must transform our thinking to deploy both old and new solutions in smarter ways. We need to better understand how sanitation impacts the function and form of cities and how it supports economic development and promotes equity.
About 2.5 million people in the world do not have access to a toilet. This leads to poor sanitation which causes disease and death. 1000 children died per day in 2013 due to diarrheal disease from poor sanitation. Attendance rates for girls in school decrease when there is no access to a clean and safe toilet. Toilet promotes health, dignity and wellbeing for all through sustainable sanitation by calling on the global community to do more to address the sanitation crisis. Billions of people around the world live in communities with little or no effective sanitation treatment. Without sanitation treatment it gets out into the environment and spreads killer diseases, seriously undermining progress in health and child survival. As it is important to have access to food and water, it is equally important for a human being to have access to a clean toilet to bring health, well-being and to establish human dignity UN’s “sustainable development goals (SDGs) adopted by the world’s leaders in 2015 reads: “By 2030, achieve access to adequate and equitable sanitation and hygiene for all and end open defecation, paying special attention to the needs of women and girls and those in vulnerable situations.” An “interim” target brings forward to 2025 the date for ending open defecation”. Keeping in mind of (SDG) goal Khaled Mosharraf Trust is investing to build separate toilets for girls in the public schools.
An effort to reduce the number of girls dropping out especially once their menstruation starts ,the trust is working with students regularly with awareness programs such as UTI , child marriage ,teenage pregnancy and still birth and diseases which are all connected to a decent toilet .We believe apart from providing privacy, these girls toilets will also boost sanitation and health generally. With the generous sponsorship from our partnering organization YoungOne Corporation.We have successfully installed 2 washrooms each in 30 schools in Islampur upojela ,jalampur district . These washrooms are private rooms with secured doors and locks ,equipped with bulbs inside and outside , running water to flush and basins to wash hands .
School List:
Islampur high school, Islampur upojela, Jamalpur district. Molomjonj high school, islampur upojela, Jamalpur district. Belgacha high school & B. M college, Islampur upojela. Jamalpur district.
Globally, one in five women are married before they turn 18 years old. A decade ago, the rate had been one in four. Poverty, ideas of family honor, social norms, customs and religious laws are factors that could force girls into child marriages. But the consequences can be devastating. Marriages can rob girls of their childhood, compromise their development and put them at risk of early and complicated pregnancies. They often pay a heavy price in not getting an education or access to proper health care and economic opportunities. Child marriage is a violation of human rights. It adversely affects education, health and well-being of girls and perpetuates cycles of poverty. Child brides experience the detrimental physical, psychological and social consequences of child marriage. This is a global phenomenon and a grave cause for concern.
Child marriage is a complex phenomenon related to various socio-economic factors, and is deeply rooted .Although Bangladesh has made remarkable progress in reducing poverty, almost 1 in 4 Bangladeshis (24.3 percent of the population) still live in poverty and 12.9 percent of the population in extreme poverty. Poverty plays a huge role in child marriage. According to UNICEF, Bangladesh has the fourth highest prevalence rate of child marriage in the world. About 71 percent of rural girls get married before reaching 18 years of age, and that deprives them of their right to education.
UNICEF’s latest report shows environmental disasters are linked to climate change are threatening the lives of over 19 million children in Bangladesh—including prompting many families to push their daughters into early marriages. The other factors driving child marriage in Bangladesh includes cultural, lack of access to education, social pressure, harassment, dowry and insecurity. Our society still thinks girls are weak and incapable to work and earn an income and often consider them an economic burden.
Many girls themselves internalize the belief that they are simply a burden to their families and therefore want to get married young to help relieve their families. Then there is the fear of harassment which often leads to abuse and rape. According to police reports, last year there were 16,253 incidents of violence against women and children. In our society, if a girl has been raped or sexually abused in any way, it decreases her chances of getting married in the future. So many parents simply take their daughters out of school to protect them from abuse and ensure their viability as brides in the future. Demand for dowry also encourages child marriage because younger brides typically require smaller dowries. And failure to meet the demand of dowry often results in violence against the bride, after marriage. Child brides, even if they are not physically or emotionally ready, are often expected to bear children soon after marriage—which not only exposes a young girl to profound health risks from early pregnancy, but is considered one of the leading causes of higher maternal and infant mortality. Teenage mothers are twice as likely to die during childbirth and babies born to mothers under 14 are 50 percent more likely to die than those born to mothers aged over 20. Young brides not only bear children earlier, but have more children over their lifetime than women who marry after the age of 18. KM Trust has been involving families, communities and different social organisations to raise awareness about the harmful consequences of child marriage to change societal attitudes and reduce the acceptance among those who make the decision to marry off minor girls. We need to understand that exclusion of 50 percent of the population (women) from both the workplace and the market remains the greatest barrier to accelerating economic development. KM project is working towards creating awareness to prevent child and early marriage and encouraging continued education among rural girls.
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