Mahjabeen Khaled

Mahjabeen Khaled is a Bangladeshi politician & Chairperson for Khaled Mosharraf Trust. She was a member of parliament (2014 -2018) in the Bangladesh Jatio Shongshod.

chairman’s message

Economical and political landscape has changed radically in Bangladesh, but one thing has remained unchanged its valuable human capital. Which Bangladesh has in abundance. Bangladesh is a country that is full of potential, talent. There is a huge difference between the privileged and the underprivileged segment of the society. Poverty, lack of education, child labour, inadequate healthcare system, are some of the many challenges Bangladesh faces. A country can prosper when its citizens gets proper opportunities and facilities for development.

It’s our duty to take care and help who face the unfair treatment in life. To grow as a society, we need to get involved in the works that will help in creating a better environment with greater benefits to all our citizens. As an active politician and social worker, I have an important responsibility on my shoulder to do something to herald a change in Bangladesh. One of the major goals of our organization is to assist the under privileged to realize their rights and to establish a concrete mechanism for equal participation and equitable representation at all levels.  I want Khaled Mosharraf’s Trust to become champion crusader in creating equitable opportunities for not just the few but for all.  We have the passion, we have the zeal and we have the opportunity to build on our institutional successes and increase support for our various causes – but we must seize the moment. And the moment is now.


Mahjabeen Khaled

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